Merchant Leads What’s the Right Time to Call or Email Them

Merchant Leads: What’s the Right Time to Call or Email Them?

Did you know that you can ensure your cold calling success by reaching your merchant leads at the right time and on specific days? That being said, predicting the right time to call prospects isn’t easy, especially considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the way people work and engage with businesses.

Here’s what research has to say about the right time to call leads in 2022.

Why Does the Time of Day Really Matter?

Just because you have a merchant account cash advance and a prospects’ phone number or email address doesn’t mean your sales call will be successful. Imagine it is 9 pm on a busy weekday. You have just finished your dinner. Receiving a sales call at that moment isn’t a good experience, right? If you’re like most people, you will probably avoid picking up the call. And even if you do, are you going to be receptive to what they have to say? Probably not! The same logic goes for emails. 

What’s the Best Time for Sales Calling? 

According to one study, Wednesday and Thursday are the best days of the week to call prospects. This data isn’t surprising because people usually gear up for the weekend on Friday. On Monday, they are transitioning into work mode. So the middle of the week is best.

Although the most appropriate time to make a phone call is between 8 am and 9 am, making an early morning call is better. More precisely, the late morning before lunch has the highest likelihood of getting your calls answered. It will let you connect with your merchant leads before their to-do lists become overwhelming. 

What’s the Best Time of Day to Email Prospects?

In addition to cold calls, it’s also important to think about when the right time is to send out emails. The best days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Monday and Saturday are two of the worst days to send sales emails. So if you send out your prospecting emails on either of these days, it might be good to switch to a day that offers better outcomes. 

In terms of the time, messages sent at 10 AM have the maximum email open rate. This is because most professionals in an organization are busy between 8 and 10 AM. Once they have settled into their workday, these times are a good opportunity to gain their attention and send some compelling emails. 

Summing Up 

We are the ultimate lead generation company that gives you access to qualified merchant account cash advance leads. We can help you boost your conversions with the help of our lead generation services. Need to learn more?

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