Live Transfer Leads: Strategize Goal-Oriented MCA Marketing and Increase Sales

As traditional banks continue to tighten eligibility criteria for small scale businesses, more and more MCA providers are emerging in the market and finding success. These newly-emerging MCA providers are proving tough competition for existing businesses.

The merchant cash advance is gaining popularity among business owners, owing to advantageous features associated with it. Finding prospects to sell a merchant cash advance to is a major challenge MCA providers are facing. Thankfully, high-targeted leads, such as live transfer leads, exist and help you reach prospects efficiently.

‘Merchant cash advance is a fast, secure, and safe alternative to traditional bank loans.’

A merchant cash advance is an advance against future payment receivables of a business.  The MCA industry is booming right now and has attracted millions due to its beneficial features and easy loan process.

If you are an MCA provider, looking for ways to increase sales, knowing your target prospects is the first step. Acquiring merchant cash advance live transfer leads is the best choice to learn about your target prospects and market efficiently.

Data has shown an incredible increase in conversion rates by using live transfers.

But, Where to Get Quality MCA Live Transfer Leads?

This is the most common question from MCA providers. It is understandable that buying MCA live transfer leads is the right way to market merchant cash advances effectively. The next big question is where to buy quality live transfer leads?

Purchasing MCA live transfer leads from a trusted lead generation service is the best way to reach target prospects and market efficiently. At Merchant Financing Leads, we provide the most cost-effective and DNC-compliant, live transfer lead generation program for merchant cash advance businesses. We provide fresh and qualified live transfer leads that help you reach prospects properly.

Generally, companies that take merchant cash advances are new businesses facing difficulty with getting loans from banks and other traditional loan providers. These new businesses, and small-scale businesses, make the best prospects for MCA providers.

Additionally, some of these businesses have already sought an MCA, which means they are aware of the merchant cash advance process. These businesses understand the functioning of the process, meaning you don’t need to put in as much effort in persuading them to  secure loans from you. They’ll know a merchant cash advance is the right choice for them.

Key Benefits of Buying Our Merchant Cash Advance Live Transfer Leads:

  • Speak only to qualified merchants
  • Pay only for qualified leads
  • Receive leads during banking hours—no weekends, holidays or late-night calls
  • DNC compliance
  • Online tracking portal

Live transfers are considered the most cost-effective lead generation service in the industry to plan result-oriented MCA marketing.

As an MCA provider, if you plan to search for prospects and market yourself, it will consume a lot of time and money. Purchasing MCA leads from a trusted service becomes the right approach to merchant cash advance marketing.

MCA Live Transfer Leads – Facts to Know Before You Sign up

Are you a merchant cash advance provider looking for ways to increase your customer base and enhance sales? Did you know that the MCA industry is booming right now? However, the competition is also getting tough and searching for prospects is becoming more difficult. What to do? Signing up for a lead generation service is the right approach.

Continue reading MCA Live Transfer Leads – Facts to Know Before You Sign up

Strategizing a Business Loan Marketing Campaign? Our Qualified Live Transfer Leads Are the Perfect Solution!

Owing to the ongoing repercussions of the economic recession, the traditional banks have ceased funding to small businesses with poor credit ratings. Merchant cash advances turn out to be an effective solution for qualified live transfer leads. It is a newer, faster, easier and smarter way to get capital for a business that is quickly gaining popularity because of the many benefits associated with it.

Due to easy approval and flexibility, the merchant cash advance is becoming known in the business world. However, as a merchant cash advance provider, you will understand how difficult it is to find the right prospects and sell MCAs effectively. Luckily, Qualified live transfer leads exist to help you reach prospects well-prepared.

Continue reading Strategizing a Business Loan Marketing Campaign? Our Qualified Live Transfer Leads Are the Perfect Solution!

Boost Your MCA Sales with our Qualified Live Transfer Leads. Sign up Now!

At times of stagnant economic growth, when traditional banks tighten the loan eligibility criteria for small businesses, they start looking for alternative financing solutions such as a merchant cash advances. Usually, the businesses with low credit ratings are often denied funding from traditional banks.

A merchant cash advance turns out to be a perfect financing alternative to traditional bank loans for a number of reasons. It is an easy, quick-fix solution for the cash-strapped business owner. The merchant cash industry is booming; however, for a MCA loan provider, finding prospective clients is still a challenge.

Fortunately, merchant cash advance live transfer leads exist to help you approach businesses looking for extra funding for working capital. A merchant cash advance is a quickly growing method of funding a business. It is among the most preferred methods due to several benefits associated with it. An MCA is an advance against a business’ future credit card sales. Unlike traditional banks that consider a business’ credit rating to qualify for a loan, a merchant advance doesn’t need a credit check for eligibility.

Continue reading Boost Your MCA Sales with our Qualified Live Transfer Leads. Sign up Now!