Acquiring Merchant Cash Advance Leads - The Right Strategy and Approach

Acquiring Merchant Cash Advance Leads: The Right Strategy and Approach

If you’re searching for tips and tricks to find qualified merchant cash advance leads, you’re not alone in this!

Although the MCA market has always been a tough nut to crack, the pandemic situation has made it even worse. With businesses shutting down and small to mid-sized businesses closing, there has been a shortage of qualified MCA leads. As a result, MCA providers must look to more aggressive merchant cash advance marketing. However, it doesn’t work if you don’t plan ahead and frame the right strategy and approach. 

Here, we will discuss the right marketing strategy for you to effectively approach and convert qualified MCA leads. Let’s get straight to it: 

  • Get your hands on the right information 

Before you approach any business and offer them MCA funding, you must be sure that they actually are looking for funds. Otherwise, you will only be wasting time. Conduct research in advance and get a list of businesses that are actively looking for funds and prefer a funding choice like an MCA. 

When you do this before carrying out your merchant cash advance marketing campaign, your efforts are focused in the right direction and you can target the right businesses. Thus, your chances of conversion increase. 

If you’ve been trying to carry out market research but ended up with little to no information about the businesses, it is best to switch to professional help. At Merchant Financing Leads, we have years of market experience and engage in continuous research. 

Thus, our professionals maintain a record of businesses coming in and going out of the market that are actively looking for funds. These records are readily available for MCA providers to start their merchant cash advance marketing efforts right away!

  • Learn about your leads 

To approach them in the right manner, you need to learn about your leads. This includes learning about their type of business, funding requirements, history of funding, the right person to talk, the right time to talk, etc. All this information will help you plan out a strategic approach. With the help of this information, you will learn about your leads in advance and start at the right spot. 

This planning and information will help you effectively convert leads because you will know just what to say, at the right time. 

  • Follow up 

It is likely that MCA leads need time to compare their options and make a final decision. Therefore, they might not agree right away. It is always advisable to follow up in the right way. 

Avoid making it too frequent but follow a proper follow-up plan that keeps reminding your MCA leads about your proposal.

With these tips in mind, you can approach and convince your merchant cash advance leads and convert them. For professional help, get in touch with Merchant Financing Leads. We keep updated data and records of the most qualified MCA leads that will help with your merchant cash advance marketing efforts. 

Don’t wait! Get in touch with us, today!

Acquiring and converting merchant cash advance leads is a tough call, especially after the pandemic situation hit the markets hard. Learn how you can plan a strategic approach for effective conversion.