UCC Data for Quality Merchant Cash Advance Leads!

Working with UCC lists or data to get hold of quality merchant cash advance leads is a very effective technique for closing new loans. That’s because the UCC lists prove to have a high conversion rate when it comes to MCA leads in the funding industry. A UCC list contains the details of individuals who have availed a merchant cash advance in the past and are likely to look for similar opportunities in future. The leads are warm, unlike other business lists available outside of this league, because the business owner already understands how alternative financing works. They understand the nitty-gritty of how the method functions as they have obtained funding in the past.

Leads generation

In the merchant financing industry, UCC data outperforms all other lists available because of the reliability of sources and the conversion ratio it promises. Merchant Financing Leads can offer you UCC lists or data at a very nominal price per record. They derive such data using their proprietary software and the difference can be clearly seen by directly comparing it to results from what is offered by others in the industry. Their system accesses all Secretary of State Records looking for the recently filed merchant cash advance UCC records, and then appends all the relevant business and contact related information to the file. All UCC records are guaranteed to be 93% accurate in terms of the contacts and addresses of those listed. However, if your list contains a higher percentage, you can immediately inform the company and they will replace them for you, absolutely free of charge.

UCC Records

The records comprise the first and last name of the contact as well as the whereabouts. They also have the company’s name, phone numbers, mailing address, city and state information along with the zip code. Further, they includes the SIC code and description; the employees’ information; estimated sales volume; the filing day, month, and year; as well as the secured party name (the name of the company that filed the UCC).

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UCC records will prove beneficial to you for campaigns such as telemarketing campaigns, direct mail campaigns, postcard mailings, refinancing merchant cash advances, offering additional cash advances, and extending additional merchant services.