Explaining how Merchant Cash Advance is a Smarter Option over Traditional Business Lending Will Help you Attract Business Loan Leads

In the past few years it has become extremely difficult for businesses to qualify for a bank loan, especially those having poor credit ratings. So, they started looking for alternative financing such as merchant cash advances– a funding source which was specifically developed to help small businesses meet their growing capital needs. Due to the lucrative benefits associated with this alternative funding, it turns out to be the perfect solution.

Whether a business needs capital to purchase new equipment or for marketing purposes, a merchant cash advance is the perfect answer. However, it has been observed that a merchant cash advance is still not known to many business owners and they are at times struggling to meet their capital needs. When it comes to marketing merchant cash advances, the first thing to know is who your target customers are. Getting high-quality leads lists such as UCC leads is the best way to know your prospects. Securing these leads will help you launch a successful marketing campaign.

Merchant cash advance leadsUCC records provide complete important information about a business such as name, business name, contact details including phone number, address, etc. of the businesses that can be your target customers.  Once you have access to UCC leads, the next step is to plan a strategic marketing campaign that will help you sell merchant cash advances effectively. Illustrating to your UCC leads how a merchant cash advance is much smarter than a traditional bank loan will help you attract business loan leads and sell MCAs more effectively. Whether you approach your UCC leads via call or email, here’s what you need to tell your prospects about merchant cash advances-

  • A merchant cash advance is easy to qualify for compared to traditional bank loans. Also, it doesn’t involve a lengthy process. You just need to get in touch with the lender and will have access to cash within a week.
  • There is a much faster approval time from an MCA provider than a bank. This translates to faster cash-in-hand, allowing a business to take advantage of current market prices.
  • Whereas business loans require a company to have collateral in order to fbe considered, an MCA simply requires it to be subject to a limited amount of conditions.
  • A cash advance is also more beneficial to the cash flow of a company since it does not require any monthly payments or upfront fees that are characteristic of traditional loans.
  • There is no limitation on how the funds acquired from an MCA can be used. Funds that are procured through a financial institution must be used for a stated purpose by the business. As a result, money from a business loan has a very narrow scope of action as compared to money that comes from a cash advance.

See Also: Explaining the ‘How’ of a Merchant Cash Advance Will Help you Target Digital Response Leads and Sell MCAs effectively

MCA is a great option for a business looking to secure financing. Explaining to your UCC leads how a merchant cash advance makes an ideal option for a cash-struggling business will help you sell business loans effectively.

Want to grow your merchant cash advance business? Get in touch with us at http://www.merchantfinancingleads.com/.